The CPPC Project

Controller/comPiler for Portable Checkpointing

To install CPPC on your computer, do the following:

  1. Untar the archive and move into the CPPC directory

  2. Type "./configure" to check for system components needed to compile the different CPPC plugins. The following options are available:

    --prefix=<path> Install CPPC files under <path> (see step 4). Defaults to `pwd`/Build.
    --disable-fortran Disable support for Fortran 77 applications.
    --with-mpi=yes/no/<path> <path> to mpicc for MPI configuration. Note that compiling CPPC with MPI support will prevent the library from checkpointing sequential applications (an error complaining about MPI not being initialized will be raised during runtime).
    --with-hdf5=yes/no/<path> <path> to h5cc for HDF5 configuration. Disabling the HDF5 writer currently renders the library unusable and causes runtime errors.
    --with-xerces=yes/no/<path> Search for Xerces-C in <path>. Disabled by default since CPPC 0.8.
    --with-xerces-inc=<path> Search for Xerces include files under <path>.
    --with-xerces-lib=<path> Search for Xerces library files under <path>.
  3. Type "make" to build CPPC.

  4. Typing "make install" will copy essential CPPC files to the destination directory specified using the --prefix option when running ./configure. This will create three subdirectories:

    bin Containing the compiler binaries.
    include Header files needed by other programs to use CPPC. These include the C and Fortran 77 interfaces (cppc.h and cppcf.h respectively), various datatype definitions (data/cppc_types.h), and the semantic files to direct compiler operation.
    lib The shared libraries for CPPC, both C and Fortran 77 versions ( and, respectively).